Fagor 900 series natural gas 2 burner SS boiling top CG9-20H

Fagor 900 series natural gas 2 burner SS boiling top CG9-20H

$0.00 + GST

We are keeping abreast of the times. For that reason, the changing requirements of today’s kitchens are reflected in our new products. In our new designs. Each and every oneof the innovations we introduce is in response to your requests and some of them even anticipate your needs. The 900 Series offers you everything you can ask of a large kitchen. By extending the range and making improvements in its ergonomics and aesthetic appeal.

Availability: Limited Stock, Please contact 09 415 6470 SKU: CG9-20H

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Fagor 900 series natural gas 2 burner SS boiling top CG9-20H

We are keeping abreast of the times. For that reason, the changing requirements of today’s kitchens are reflected in our new products. In our new designs. Each and every one
of the innovations we introduce is in response to your requests and some of them even anticipate your needs. The 900 Series offers you everything you can ask of a large kitchen. By extending the range and making improvements in its ergonomics and aesthetic appeal.

  • Made of stainless steel.
  • Open hobs with safety valve and thermocouples.
  • Pilots for ignition. Cast iron gratings and burners.

Dimensions of the grill: 425 x 350 mm.
Burners: 1 x 10,2 kW + 1 x 8 kW.
Total power: 18,20 kW.
Dimensions: 425 x 900 x 290 mm.

Additional information

Weight 0.0000 kg
Width (mm)


Depth (mm)


Height (mm)


Packing Depth (mm)


Packing Height (mm)


Packing Width (mm)



77.5 mj./h.

Net Weight (Kg)


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